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In order to further the Single Supervisory Mechanism, the ECB decided to put together a central register of granular data on the exposure to credit of all funded institutions in relation to loans in the Member States.

AnaCredit is therefore a database with the objective of storing all the information on all the credits granted by these same institutions in the Euro zone in order to harmonize all the information collected and to allow their use for future measures economic and financial situation of the ECB or the central banks of the Member States.

On the other hand, the data collected by AnaCredit will help to improve the supervision and regulation of the banking sector, as well as help in decision-making by the ECB on its policies.

The information to be reported at AnaCredit is characterized by being much more granular, that is, more detailed, with information on all contracts. In this way, AnaCredit will collect information on all loans and other credits from all institutions.



2011: AnaCredit project initiated by the ECB

December 2015: First model of AnaCredit regulation

18 May 2016: Adoption of Regulation (EU) 2016/867 of the ECB on the collection of granular data on credit and credit risk;

30 June 2017: First possible date for AnaCredit’s request to the national central banks of each Member State

31 March 2018: National banks transmit the first data to the ECB

September 30, 2018: First delivery of monthly and quarterly reports

Beginning in 2019: New mandatory information to be reported which may include the information of individual persons



Master Data: reported once, when the first disclosure is made

Other data: monthly, quarterly, or that have undergone some change referring to the last reference period


Examples of Instruments:



Credit card debts

Credit lines

Other loans



AnaCredit foresees that the institutions report a set of attributes referring to three different groups:

  • Attributes of debtors
  • Attributes of creditors
  • Attributes of the credit agreement


The most important requirement in AnaCredit for the obligation of disclosure to exist is a minimum value of € 25,000 of any instrument.

With more than 100 attributes ranging from credit data, including the type of collateral, origin or maturity, most of these are related to data that had never before been requested from the institutions for reporting purposes, grouped into different data sets:

  • Counterparty reference data
  • Instrument data
  • Financial data
  • Data on the counterparty-instrument combination
  • Data on joint and several liability
  • Accounting data
  • Protection received data
  • Data related to instrument-received protection combination
  • Counterparty risk data
  • Data relating to counterparty default


Since 2014 the European Central Bank (ECB) has developed a set of supervisory measures within the Eurosystem and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) – introducing the Single Supervisory Mechanism – with the aim of collecting data granular credit.

On the basis of Council Regulation (EC) No 2533/98 of 23 November 1988, the ECB initiated in 2011 a new project to collect in detail all data on bank loans in the euro area. This new project, AnaCredit (Analytical Credit Datasets), as the name implies, intends to aggregate the set of analytical data related to credit at the individual level.

In 2015, the first draft of the new regulations provided the scope, statistical requirements and disclosure obligations, among others, of AnaCredit. With a tight schedule, it is necessary to disseminate information monthly, quarterly or, in some cases, AnaCredit alone can become a major challenge to the need for compliance by credit institutions and financial institutions in the Member States.