About Inês Mateus
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Inês Mateus contributed 71 entries already.
Entries by Inês Mateus
Privacy Policy
in UncategorizedPRIVACY POLICY This website is owned by Quidgest, Consultores S.A. The purpose of this policy is to provide all data subjects who visit our website or that, by any digital means, provide us with information, the necessary knowledge about the management we make of your personal data. This Privacy Policy applies only to the personal […]
in knowledgebaseIn order to further the Single Supervisory Mechanism, the ECB decided to put together a central register of granular data on the exposure to credit of all funded institutions in relation to loans in the Member States. AnaCredit is therefore a database with the objective of storing all the information on all the credits granted […]
in knowledgebaseOn 25 November 2009, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union adopted Directive 2009/138 / EC, the Solvency II scheme, which aims to restructure the legal framework for the European insurance industry. The Solvency II Directive aims to bring together, in a single mechanism, all the directives regulating the sector, allowing insurers […]